Tuesday, May 20, 2008


For some crazy reason, all the ethanol stocks are up, way up, yesterday and today. Why?

The obvious reason is that gas prices are hitting record highs. But gas prices have been hitting record highs for the last four months and ethanol stocks have been hardcore tanking until yesterday, when they immediately all started going up. This is suspicious. First of all, ethanol is only a viable resource when oil is over $100 a barrel. But oil has been over that for months now. Why hasn't stock been going up since oil hit 100 and steadily rose? Second of all, ethanol is incredibly unpopular right now because of the food crisis -- people are starving and we're putting their food into our cars? has anyone noticed that corn oil in the grocery store is up like 150% ???? Everyone is blaming ethanol for the increase in food prices, and collectively have started agreeing that it is NOT a truly sustainable resource.

Despite this, the volume charts are insane for the last two days, with huge investors buying up. they all know something is about to happen, which is good for my tanked ethanol stock, but sucky for the world, since biofuel is just about the worst idea ever. ahh. the stock market makes me crazy. I'm getting out and investing in vietnam.

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