Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the campaign as a window into presidency

If we think about the campaign as a small tiny little example of what the presidency might be like, then it should be haaaaaaands down Obama.

McCain can't get anyone to pay attention to him (perhaps because he reeks of the last vestiges of Bush's presidency), is completely and totally broke, and nobody knows anything else about his campaign because.....oh yeah. thats right. Nobody Cares.

Clinton keeps striking back like an angry cobra, poisoning the entire democratic party and heading the country for disaster, ignoring pleas to stop, common sense, and basic statistics (hmmm, iraq war, anyone?), and continues filling her campaign with negative ads and using words like "Obliterate Iran," alienating voters and the entire black constituency.

Obama, meanwhile, has united masses of people, congratulates his opponent, tells the truth, has not been caught in a single scandal, refuses biased money from PAC's and special interest groups, and actually listens to the American people! wow. Who ever thought a politician like Obama even existed? He even gets people to CHANGE THEIR MINDS! double wow.

Lets consider the 2000 campaign between Bush and McCain.

In 2000, Bush resorted to evil tactics to win the primary nomination over McCain. South Carolina's primary was often referred to as the dirtiest campaign in the history of America. He destroyed McCain using a smear campaign, in short, calling him the Fag Candidate, which was circulated on church fliers, questioned McCain's sanity, suggesting he was nuts from his time in Vietnam (possibly true, but nonetheless), accused McCain of having a black daughter (who is actually a bangaldeshi adoptee), suggesting that he had fathered her with a black prostitute, and made fake phone calls that misrepersented McCain's campaign.

wow. lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.....pretty much exactly like his presidency. awesome.

hillary, go away. you barely won in Indiana, you were completely annihilated in NC, and you're going to destroy your party, your country, and any remaining semblance of pride and self respect if you stay in it. It is clear who the better candidate is, and who Americans prefer as their future president.

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