Sunday, June 8, 2008

barack obama isnt black

hes half black.

He's just as white as he is black. Helloooooo! I'm HALF asian. People describe me as being 'half asian' and nobody says I belong to the Asians. thats crazy talk. 

Obama is more of a light brown mixture. If one could say that a person of a particular race "belongs" to that race (which is total bs) Obama "belongs" just as much to the whiteys as he does to the blacks. He is quite handsome though, and does, incidentally, "belong" to the pretty people of America.  

I belong just as much to the mexicans as I do to the whites, and just as much to the koreans as to the half mexicans. Theres a math problem for you, if you couldnt figure out the portions of my heritage. =) 

and im so jealous of evan.  his life is crazy. 

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