Sunday, August 24, 2008

new stuff

school starts tomorrow. I've been vacationing/preparing/moving for the last month or so and so I'm all out of sorts. i also dont have a steady internet access right now so its hard for me to do internet-y things. like, theres two sq feet of space in my house where i have steady internet access, and its on the left side of my bed. And the internet guy isnt coming til friday.

Evan and I have decided to get the most adorable puppy in the world, a tiny little 8 week old yorkshire terrier baby. We debated a lot about adopting vs buying from a breeder, and basically decided we wanted both a puppy and a small dog, and that when we had a real yard and less size constraints that wed adopt. We'll adopt for the rest of our lives, after this little guy. We're naming him Napoleon. =) and we're picking him up Friday.

Its been exactly a year since the first day of JVC last year and I'm embarking on a totally new, different experience. So much happens in one year, yet it feels like such a short amount of time...

I'm not in the mood to wax poetic about anything sooo i'll upload a photo of napoleon as soon as evan sends me one. 

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