Saturday, September 22, 2007

on public transportation

this really gets me.

raleigh durham chapel hill is a hugely growing metro area. and their public tranport systems suck. First of all, there are, like, ten different bus systems that go through the area. second of all, it takes forever to get anywhere. third, its SO CONFUSING and horribly inefficient AND EXPENSIVE!!!! IT COSTS TWO DOLLARS PER RIDE!!!! thats absurd.

raleigh, durham, chapel hill should get together and create some sort of workable, efficient public transport that everyone would use (not just poor people like me and my neighbors) that services all of raleigh durham and chapel hill. Chapel Hill's buses, in addition, are all free and work magically. in durham only poor people use the data buses, and pretty much the same goes for Raleigh. And they should use ONE system. not ten. one system, one map. Just, like, a super sweet subway system, only in electrical bus form.

thats the other thing -- why aren't buses run by huge rechargeable batteries? it seems like that shouldnt be so difficult. and they should revamp their bike lanes, and have really sweet bike storage places at the major bus stop points. it could be so cheap. raleighs not poor, esp not with this growing population.

oh but what i would love is a fantastic subway service. I fantasize of the Madrid days...and granted they have a population about four times the size of ours but still. I fantasize.

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